KALI'S EMBRACE music video and a special bonus...

“The Song of Kali is with us. It has been with us for a very long time. Its chorus grows and grows and grows. But there are other voices to be heard. There are other songs to be sung.”
― Dan Simmons, Song of Kali

A few weeks ago, my new album THAT CURSED BRAIN has been released by the Musique Moléculaire label : https://musiquemoleculaire.bandcamp.com/album/that-cursed-brain

KALI'S EMBRACE is THAT CURSED BRAIN penultimate track (and mybe my favorite track of this album) and the video is a generative AI rabbithole to the Goddess Kali's cave.

Here is KALI'S EMBRACE's music video:

And, yep, there is a bonus in the form of a colored edit of the same video and it is Hostile Surgery's first color video:

And the tracks covers...