SHOCK WAVES [words - part 08]
23.This rising wave
Brings its shadow.
"Each second, rising our heads
To profit the suns last shine."
24.The earth is round,
So is this wave.
25.To this incoming.
Time is shortening.
26.Your child roughed you
And, smiling, you joined us.
- SHOCK WAVES, text, 2013
GE >> 18.08.2014
23.This rising wave
Brings its shadow.
"Each second, rising our heads
To profit the suns last shine."
24.The earth is round,
So is this wave.
25.To this incoming.
Time is shortening.
26.Your child roughed you
And, smiling, you joined us.
- SHOCK WAVES, text, 2013
GE >> 18.08.2014